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optimiert Ihr Gewichtsmanagement ohne Diätfrust
bietet eine prebiotische Formel für Ihre gastrointestinale Gesundheit
fungiert als „beauty“ Shot für eine reine Haut, gesundes Haar und schönen Nägeln
trägt zur Kollagenbildung bei
gibt Ihnen Kraft, indem er Ihre Zellen vor oxidativem Stress schützt
stärkt Ihr Immunsystem und optimiert die körperliche Abwehr
trägt zum Erhalt der Muskelfunktion bei
hält Sie durch einen normalen Energiestoffwechsel fit, und reduziert Müdigkeit und Ermüdung
is an outstanding combination of
epigenetic active nutraceuticals
Extrake und Wirkstoffe
Ingredients & Effects
Extract & Active Ingredients
Blueberry Extract:
Anthocyanins and Anthocyanidins
Plant extracts and natural plant extracts can activate sirtuins without starvation
Blueberry Extract can:
Reduce DNA damage by up to 20%.
Improve insulin sensitivity in cases of insulin resistance.
Especially for high-risk individuals. -
Have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Olive Leaf Extract: Oleuropein
Plant extracts and natural plant extracts can activate sirtuins without starvation
Olive Leaf Extract can:
In view of metabolism improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and has thus positive effects on overweight.
Positively influence the liver fat metabolism.
With regard to cell and vascular protection, have anti-inflammatory, hypotensive and vasodilatory effects, thus protecting against autoimmunity and inhibiting the development of arteriosclerosis.
Unfold neuroprotective effects by protecting against oxidative stress and thus support the nerve cells and the formation of neuronal structures.
Unfold neuroprotective effects by protecting organs, especially the liver and heart, and the DNA from damage and can thus inhibit the development of cancer.
Prevent premature cartilage degradation and degenerative bone and joint diseases with regard to joints.
Broccoli Extract: Sulforaphane
Plant extracts and natural plant extracts can activate sirtuins without starvation
Sulforaphane can:
Unfold antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiinflammatory effects (sulforaphane is an indirect antioxidant) and has anti-aging, neuroprotective and antidiabetic properties.
Increase the antioxidant capacity by increasing the production of antioxidant enzymes.
Protect from the development of cancer.
Prevent cardiovascular and eurodegenerative diseases.
Mango Kernel Extract: Gallus Acid
Mango Kernel Extract can:
Suppress fat production (reducing the activity of PPARγ).
Lead to an increase in adiponectin, a fatty tissue hormone involved in fat loss and glucose control.
Help reduce leptin resistance, a factor that can lead to obesity.
Protect from oxidative DNA damage.
Contribute to the prevention of metabolism and age-related diseases.
Apple Extract: Phloretin
Apple Extract can:
Prevent pigmentation spots by inhibiting the formation of melanin in the skin.
Improve the sugar metabolism by means of metabolism.
Increase the glucose tolerance and thus improve the insulin effect.
Have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect in terms of cell protection.
Activate the immune system against cancer cells and prevent uncontrolled cell growth by means of cancer prevention.
Galacto-oligo-saccharide (GOS)- Dietary fibre
Galacto-oligo-saccharide can:
GOS are purely natural, water-soluble dietary fibres obtained from guar gum. They lower theglycemic index and help the body combat elevated blood sugar levels. In addition, the mineral absorption is improved. The body is fuller and the daily energy intake can be reduced accordingly. The increased intestinal passage and the health of the digestive tract are improved.
Other fibres can cause constipation and flatulence. GOS, however, relieve constipation and flatulence.
They are used for the health of the digestive system and weight management
ist eine hervorragende Kombination von epigenetisch aktiven Nutrazeutika
Our Sirtfood®Shot accompanies you throughout everyday life as an ideal weight management product and contributes to maintaining the beauty of your body!